National Voices of Health 2020 Survey – Last Chance to Participate
Here’s your last chance to help Rainbow Health Initiative and the National LGBTQ Task Force spread the word about the National Voices of Health 2015 Survey!
We are excited to share the final findings of this survey to strengthen your statewide health equity and support LGBTQ community needs.
We encourage everyone to utilize this information to facilitate greater awareness in your state and nationwide!
National Voices of Health Survey (English): http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/nationalvoh15
“Make Queer Health Count by taking the National Voices of Health 2015 survey. Rainbow Health Initiative, in partnership with the National LGBTQ Task Force, is using this survey to create a national snapshot of LGBTQ health access, experiences, and disparities. Share your experience and help us fight for LGBTQ health equity in our communities.”
National Voices of Health Survey (Spanish): https://es.surveymonkey.com/s/VOH2015ES
“Tu salud cuenta!” Participa en el CENSO “National Voices Of Health 2015 Survey” y la Inciativa de Salud Arcoiris (Rainbow Health Iniciative) en con junto con la Mision Movimiento LGBTQ que estan usando este CENSO para investigar y conocer como es el acceso nacional a la salud de la Comunidad LGBTQ las differencias, desigualdades e inconsistencias, comparte tus experiencias y ayudanos a luchar por la salud LGBTQ y la igualdad en nuestras comunidades.”
We do encourage you to take the survey before you send it out so you know what you’re sharing. Please feel free to use this link on social media as well. We will be posting the links on our Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn pages. #QUEERHEALTHCOUNTS
Data sets will be enhanced by the increased number of survey participants; the more folks who participate, the stronger the data sets.
Let’s work together to contribute to a better understanding of LGBTQ health in our communities.
If you have any questions, suggestions or need additional information, please feel free to contact us.
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